Monday 30 April 2012

April Showers!

Hello to everyone in Maesybryn Nursery!

It is lovely to have everyone back with us after the Easter holidays. 

We are looking forward to a busy and successful summer term making good use of the outdoors (despite the weather!).  Sadly our wonderful igloo was destroyed by the terrible weather over the weekend but we are sure everyone will help Mrs Moore to rebuild it.

Don't forget we are celebrating World Book Day on Wednesday May 2nd.  Dress up as your favourite story book or nursery rhyme character and please donate your used books for Mbale.  You will have a big surprise when you discover who's teaching you on Wednesday that's for sure! 

We are planning to make seed and bean musical shakers next week so if you have any empty containers such as pringle tubes, bottles or boxes or any seeds, beans or lentils which you could donate to us we would be very grateful.

Welcome to Owen who has joined our Nursery class this week.  He has already made some good friends and everyone has been very kind and thoughtful in helping him settle in.

More news and photos to come soon!

See you all tomorrow

Mrs Burton-Little, Mrs Clarke, Mrs Mertens and all the Nursery team