Thursday 4 November 2010

A few dates for the Term

Hi to all Nursery parents,

Can't believe we are half a term down and heading towards Christmas. Here is a few useful dates for the next coming term
Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th  November    Parents Evening
Friday 19th November  Children in Need
Friday 26th November   Christmas Fayre
Monday 29th November   Children's costumes for concert to be brought into school
Thursday 2nd December    Dress Rehearsal of concert for the whole school to see.
Friday 3rd December      Time for you all to come and see our concert, to commencet at 1:30pm
Friday 10th December     Christmas Trip to Rumble in the Jungle

The children have started praticing their Christmas concert songs and have been told what character they will be in the concert. So ask your little one to see if they remember. Don't worry if they don't lots of information to follow on what you need to dress your child as and also how to  get your 2 tickets for entry to the concert which we have called A Christmas Celebration.

Also a reminder to parents don't forget to send in payment for our Christmas Trip as soon as you can with the relevant permission slip. If you have misplaced the letter please do not hesitate to ask for another one.

Thanking you all and looking forward to meeting at parents evening next week,
Mrs Street and Mrs Mertens.