Wednesday 9 February 2011

Chinese New Year!

Hi all!

Hopefully you enjoyed the Chinese Craft your child brought home last week. We all enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year in Nursery - we've added some photos for you to see for yourself! The food tasting was a HUGE hit!

A letter went out last night about our RE week in school starting 7th March. If you have any wedding photos, photos of your child as a bridesmaid / pageboy etc please could you bring them in for us to share with the children. If you have them on a CD-Rom or memory stick that would be even better as we could show the children using the Interactive White Board. 

The school Eisteddfod will take place on 4th March. Nursery will be singing the Welsh song "Mr Hapus Ydw i" please could you practice at home/in the car etc. Both classes have a copy of the words if you need them.

Have a fantastic week

Mrs Way & Mrs Mertens