Thursday 4 November 2010

A few dates for the Term

Hi to all Nursery parents,

Can't believe we are half a term down and heading towards Christmas. Here is a few useful dates for the next coming term
Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th  November    Parents Evening
Friday 19th November  Children in Need
Friday 26th November   Christmas Fayre
Monday 29th November   Children's costumes for concert to be brought into school
Thursday 2nd December    Dress Rehearsal of concert for the whole school to see.
Friday 3rd December      Time for you all to come and see our concert, to commencet at 1:30pm
Friday 10th December     Christmas Trip to Rumble in the Jungle

The children have started praticing their Christmas concert songs and have been told what character they will be in the concert. So ask your little one to see if they remember. Don't worry if they don't lots of information to follow on what you need to dress your child as and also how to  get your 2 tickets for entry to the concert which we have called A Christmas Celebration.

Also a reminder to parents don't forget to send in payment for our Christmas Trip as soon as you can with the relevant permission slip. If you have misplaced the letter please do not hesitate to ask for another one.

Thanking you all and looking forward to meeting at parents evening next week,
Mrs Street and Mrs Mertens.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Welcome to Nursery

Hi to all new parents and children,

I would like to welcome you all to the Nusery class. Myself and Mrs Mertens have been so proud of all the children and how they have settled in. This term our theme is All About Me and we are learning lots about ourselves and family. Please don't forget to bring in your baby photos the week of the 4th of September and a reminder that PE starts next week with Mrs Street's class on a Thursday and Mr's Mertens class on a Friday. So children to come dressed in their PE kit that day. Please don't forget your wellingtons aswell so children can explore the outdoors in this rainy weather.

Looking forward to the coming year and getting to know all the children. Please don't hesitate to come and speak to myself or Mrs Mertens if needed.  Keep posted to the blog for updated information.

Thanking you,
Mrs Street and Mrs Mertens.

Sunday 20 June 2010

A Fun Day

Well it was lovely to see so many parents turn up and show their support at the summer fayre. What a lovely day myself, Mrs Mertens and all the nursery staff had. Playland was so busy and it was nice to see the boys and girls who will be joining the nursery in September playing in the gardens. I think they will have no promblems settling in.

Well I can't believe there is only 4 weeks left in this term. I have had a blast in my first year in nursery and it is thanks to all the boys and girls for making it a fun place to beand we have lots more fun days to come. Here is a few dates to remember

Monday 28th June Nursery/ Reception Sport's Day
Thursday 1st July Our Trip to Pontypridd Park
Thursday 8th July PTA Summer Party Teddy Bear's Picnic
Tuesday 13th July Maesybryn Fun Day

Wow what fun we will have. I can't wait
I would like to thank the parents for all their support this year especially on Vounteers Day. Our gardens are lovely and colourful.
See you all tomorrow. Hope you all had a nice weekend in the sun.
Mrs Street and Mrs Mertens

Monday 3 May 2010

Bore Da

Hi All,
I would like to thank all the children in the nursery for trying so hard last week in African week . They really enjoyed it and the proof was seen in the work they producded and was displayed on Thursday night. Thank you to all the parents who supported the school on Thursday evening.

I hope you are enjoying the sun on this lovely bank holiday. I hope you are all out and about and exploring the outside. We will be carrying out alot of activities outside this term to see what we can find. We have already been busy planting vegetables in our vegetable patch in the garden. A big thanks to Mrs Richards who worked hard in getting the garden ready. Lets hope Mr Hole is watering our little patch over this long weekend.
Maybe if you are out in your gardens today why not explore and see what you can see. Is there any little bugs? What does it look like? Maybe take a photo and bring it in to show us.

A very big congratulations to Holly Price from my class and Holly Smith from Mrs Mertens who won Star of the Week this week. Well done girls.

Enjoy your bank holiday and see you all tomorrow.
Mrs Street and Mrs Maertens.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Hello again

Hi everyone,

So sorry I have not been on the blog for a long time. This term is flying by and we have been so busy in Nursey. In my class we enjoyed our Teddy bear's picnic and Teddy has been on lots of adventures with the children this term. He was very excited to been taken around the school to see what he could find on a nature walk. Teddy has enjoyed it so much playing with the children that he would like to join each child at their home for tea and a sleep over. He has his suitcase packed and he is ready to go. When teddy goes to visit your house can you take a photo of him and tell us all about his visit

It was lovely to meet all the parents this week and it was a delight to know that all your children are happy in Nursery.

We will end the week with a nice trip to Techniquest. I cant wait for that.

Mrs Street

Sunday 31 January 2010


Well done to all the children who dressed up in a coloured top on Friday to support Mrs Decaro and Mrs Dobbins trip to Uganda. The children really enjoyed making the flag.
For the last two weeks on a Friday the children have been attending the whole school assembly and the teachers have been very proud of how they have settled in and the attention they show. Congratulations to Iwan Davies and Evan Dale from my class and Phoebe Badman and Seren Williams from Mrs Merten's class who have won stars of the week.
We have a treat this week with a performance of Cinderella this Friday for the infants in the school hall. Looking forward to that.
I would like to thank all parents for the hard work they put into the square fabrics with their children. They are all so beautiful and the children were so proud of their work when showing it to their class.
Mrs Street and Mrs Mertens.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Build a Snowman

Wow look at all the snow. I am going to build a snowman and boys and girls I would love to see your snowmen. Parents when the children were in school on Monday and Tuesday they were very creative and made a snowman out of art materials for a display in our classroom. We also watched the famous dvd The Snowman By Raymond Briggs and the children loved it. So if the children are playing in the snow and building snowmen I would love to see some photos of them and their snowman to display in our class. Can they name their snowman and if he/she came alive what would they do?, where would they go? etc. The children can bring their photo in to school and we can all have a lovely class discussion.
Thank you and looking forward to seeing all your snowmen.
Mrs Street and Mrs Mertens.

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Welcome Back

Hi to everyone,
It was great to see so many of our Nursery children back in school. They were so grown up trying to avoid the snow getting to our classroom. As parents you should be very proud of them. The children have been given a home school project to create a colourful piece of fabric so if school is closed due to the snow this should keep them busy. I look forward to seeing the end results.

For further updates from Nursery keep posted to this blog or if you have any questions feel free to leave us a message. Thank you for all your support during the last term and we look forward to another exciting term.

Kind regards
Mrs Street and Mrs Mertens.