Sunday 16 October 2011

Sunday, 16 October 2011


The children are settled well into Nursery now and Mrs Mertens and I are really pleased with how grown up they are coming into school by themselves. We've had another busy couple of weeks with lots of activites going on in the classroom and outside. The children have been drawing pictures of themselves to put on our 'Birthday Train' so we don't miss any of those important birthdays. We have also been learning a new song '5 Little Leaves' to sing for our harvest celebration next week. Maybe ask your child to sing it to you.

The children enjoy telling the class about the objects they have brought in for our colour table. Thank you for supporting your child by helping them find things at home. Next week will be green.
We love to explore our outside area in Nursery, especially last week with all this rain! If your child hasn't yet brought in any wellies yet please could they do so. Please make sure these are named.

A big thank you for all the 'junk' that has been sent in for our junk modelling. We have enough to keep us going for the time being but we will let you know when we are running low again.

I look forward to seeing the parents from my class on Tuesday for the open afternoon between 1:30 and 3:30. Mrs Mertens is currently taking appointments for parents evenings after half term. Please see Mrs Mertens if you have not yet made an appointment. In the meantime if you have any questions please feel free to come and see us any time.

Mrs Morris and Mrs Mertens

Wednesday 21 September 2011


Hello to all the children and parents in nursery!

We've had a busy few days settling into our new nursery classroom and getting to know one another. Mrs Mertens and I are very proud of all the children and how well they have settled in. We have all been spending a bit of time getting used to our new classroom and have had lots of fun exploring and playing in the different areas.

This term our topic is 'The Colours of the Rainbow'. At the moment we are focusing on the colour red so if your child has anything they would like to bring in to display on the 'red table' that would be great! Also, as Autumn is now with us, we will be looking at the changes around us. If you are out and about have a look for any signs of Autumn. It would be lovely if your child could bring something in for the 'Autumn table'.

Can I just remind everyone to make sure the children's clothes, coats, wellies and lunchboxes are named. Theres are lots of children in the nursery and we would like to try and avoid any mix ups.

PE is on a Thursday for my class and Friday for Mrs Mertens class so children will need to come dressed for PE that day. This is just jogging bottoms instead of school trousers or skirt. Please don't forget to send in wellies too so the children can explore the outside in this rainy weather.

Sorry for all the information! If anyone has any problems or queries please don't hesitate to come and see Mrs Mertens or myself.

Many thanks,
Mrs Morris and Mrs Mertens

Monday 13 June 2011


'Thank you' doesn't seem enough for all the fantastic volunteers who came to work in the nursery garden last Friday. They braved the rain and spent time with the children planting, tidying and transforming our gardens. Move over ground force!! I won't name names but you know who you are and both classes are extremely grateful for the time and effort you gave. I've added some photos that were taken and when i receive Mrs Mertens photos I'll also add those.

We've spent sometime out and about this week looking around the different areas of the school for mini beasts. if you find any at home please feel free to take a photo for us, draw a picture, make a model etc. we'd love to put it on our display.

As usual a busy couple of weeks coming up! here are the dates for this week:
Tuesday 14th - Class photos
Wednesday 15th - Coin trail, please bring in any loose change you may have, we're aiming to make a trail that will stretch around the whole school!
Friday 17th - Non uniform day - our forfeit is prepacked cakes (for the school fayre)
Saturday 18th - School Fayre.

take care
Mrs Way and Mrs Mertens

Friday 20 May 2011

what a fantastic end of the week!

Well Mrs Way is typing this blog in her pjs! I'm shattered! what a fabulous, fun-filled day we have all had. I think i can safely say that everyone had a lovely day in Parc Play. I know i had lots of fun climbing the giant slide and what brave children we have because it was very high! hopefully I'll be able to update with some photos on Monday. Thank you to all the parents, Nans and Grampys who were able to come and share the day with us.

Hopefully you have all had chance to read through the topic web and information sheet that was sent out this week. As you can see our topic this term is 'in my little garden'. We're going to be spending alot of time outdoors so please make sure your child has a sunhat in school (even if its cloudy in the morning). If you find that you have any spare pots, compost, plants etc at home please let us know.

You may have spotted a new area in the school grounds, our pond. It has been finished thanks to the hard work the PTA put into fund raising, A BIG thank you to the PTA team, I'm sure we'll make great use of the area.
On the same note, can we also encourage the children to bring in some coins for our PTA fundraising event, where we are going to collect coins filling a jar and then do a coin flower or mini beast on the yard. It will be a whole school effort in placing the coins.

hope you have a relaxing weekend and we'll see you Monday.
Mrs Way, Mrs Mertens & Gang xx

Friday 6 May 2011

World Book Day

Hi everyone,

What a fantastic sight this morning! thank you for all your hard work, we found it hard to recognise all the boys and girls in their fantastic costumes. I'm sure Mrs Mertens had some funny looks driving to school dressed as a tiger! We all enjoyed a parade around the junior yard and received lots of claps from the rest of the school.
After lunch we had a very big surprise - Iggle Piggle came to visit us!! we had lots of fun playing games and having lots of cuddles and Mrs Way has already been to Tesco to print out the photos ready for Monday.

Quick update:
Language & Play will be held in the hall this week ( Tuesday 1:15-2:15pm), please go to the main door to gain access.

We hope you have a lovely weekend & we'll see you Monday

Mrs Way & Mrs Mertens xx

Thursday 5 May 2011

Welcome back!

We hope everyone had a lovely Easter and the Easter bunny came to visit you all.

A little bit of a rocky start to the term for Mrs Mertens class due to the ramp being repaired but a big thank you to all the parents for being so understanding and hopefully it won't be for much longer.

We'll be sending home information regarding our summer topic shortly but in the mean time our topic is 'In Our Little Garden'. We will be looking at plants, flowers, mini beasts etc so if you have any items you think will be useful please could we borrow them?

A few things to remember:
- Language & Play sessions start on Tuesday - please check class notice boards for a reminder of time & 
- Our trip is on Friday 20th May. If you haven't already paid, can you pay as soon as you can & each child
   needs to be accompanied by an adult.

Also we hope the children off school with chicken pox are starting to feel better and we can't wait to see you back in class.

Mrs Way & Mrs Mertens

Wednesday 30 March 2011


Hi all,

Sorry for making you wait a while for an update...we've been so busy its been hard to fit it in!
you might be wondering what we've been up to? well...
  • We've had a class wedding for RE week. The children worked hard to prepare and everyone had a lovely afternoon. (Thank you to Jacob for the fantastic photos!)
  • The children have enjoyed spending more time outside, making the most of the lovely weather we've been having (hopefully it will return soon!)
  • There have been some green fingers in nursery with the children working hard to prepare our planting beds and planting some vegetables.
  • We've been creating some lovely things for our Mums, ready for Sunday. I wonder if the boys & girls will sing you our Mothers Day song??
Thank you all for attending the open evenings, hopefully you enjoyed looking at some of the work your child has produced - remember our doors are always open if you need to tell us anything or want to ask any questions.
A big THANK YOU for your continued support for our Pink day and the Easter Fayre. it is greatly appreciated.

Letters have gone out about Language & Play sessions. Its not too late to join in, please let us know if you're interested.
Also if you have anything to add to the class spring or Easter table please send it in.
Mrs Way & Mrs Mertens

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Chinese New Year!

Hi all!

Hopefully you enjoyed the Chinese Craft your child brought home last week. We all enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year in Nursery - we've added some photos for you to see for yourself! The food tasting was a HUGE hit!

A letter went out last night about our RE week in school starting 7th March. If you have any wedding photos, photos of your child as a bridesmaid / pageboy etc please could you bring them in for us to share with the children. If you have them on a CD-Rom or memory stick that would be even better as we could show the children using the Interactive White Board. 

The school Eisteddfod will take place on 4th March. Nursery will be singing the Welsh song "Mr Hapus Ydw i" please could you practice at home/in the car etc. Both classes have a copy of the words if you need them.

Have a fantastic week

Mrs Way & Mrs Mertens

Sunday 30 January 2011

What an exciting week!

Wow! what an exciting time we had in nursery last week! On Tuesday we had our first group afternoon and had lots of fun exploring new places! I wonder if anyone can remember which group they're in? Mrs Way's class are lions, monkeys and giraffes and Mrs Mertens' class are rabbits, hedgehogs and squirrels.

This week we will be celebrating Chinese New Year (3rd- 5th February). Mrs Way & Mrs Mertens have been planning lots of exciting things to explore and make! Mrs Way is planning a food tasting session and hopes everyone will try some Chinese food - otherwise Mrs Way, Mrs Thomas and Miss Bunt will have to eat it all! We will also be creating a Dragon Dance outside using some beautiful Chinese fabric.

Just a quick reminder - we have wet weather outfits for all the children but could your child please have a pair of wellies in school  (you're welcome to take them home on the weekend) as we're spending more time outdoors - regardless of the weather! also if you have any old wellies we'll gratefully take them off your hands to have as spares.

And we can't forget to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mrs Watkins for Tuesday!

See you tomorrow!

Mrs Way & Mrs Mertens

(we work in groups on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday afternoons. It allows the children to mix together and spend time in our different areas. 1 group - outside, 3 groups - Mrs Mertens' building and 2 groups-Mrs Way's building. we work on a 2 week timetable so all groups experience each area )

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Happy 2011!

Hi everyone!

As you've probably heard by now Mrs Street has had a lovely baby boy! we've sent lots of cuddles for baby Lewis and hopefully he'll pop in to visit us when hes a little older.

We have a couple of new faces in nursery this term. Everyone has been very kind and friendly and help our new boys and girls settle in. Mrs Way would also like to say a big thank you to all the boys and girls in her class (and the parents) for making her feel very welcome in her first couple of weeks.

 The children have been busy telling us what Santa brought them - we have lots of good children in Maesybryn! our topic this term is 'Toys & Teddies' so we'll be having lots of fun talking about our favourite toys.

As always if you have any questions or problems, please feel free to pop in after school to speak to us.

Mrs Mertens & Mrs Way