Wednesday 21 September 2011


Hello to all the children and parents in nursery!

We've had a busy few days settling into our new nursery classroom and getting to know one another. Mrs Mertens and I are very proud of all the children and how well they have settled in. We have all been spending a bit of time getting used to our new classroom and have had lots of fun exploring and playing in the different areas.

This term our topic is 'The Colours of the Rainbow'. At the moment we are focusing on the colour red so if your child has anything they would like to bring in to display on the 'red table' that would be great! Also, as Autumn is now with us, we will be looking at the changes around us. If you are out and about have a look for any signs of Autumn. It would be lovely if your child could bring something in for the 'Autumn table'.

Can I just remind everyone to make sure the children's clothes, coats, wellies and lunchboxes are named. Theres are lots of children in the nursery and we would like to try and avoid any mix ups.

PE is on a Thursday for my class and Friday for Mrs Mertens class so children will need to come dressed for PE that day. This is just jogging bottoms instead of school trousers or skirt. Please don't forget to send in wellies too so the children can explore the outside in this rainy weather.

Sorry for all the information! If anyone has any problems or queries please don't hesitate to come and see Mrs Mertens or myself.

Many thanks,
Mrs Morris and Mrs Mertens