Monday 3 May 2010

Bore Da

Hi All,
I would like to thank all the children in the nursery for trying so hard last week in African week . They really enjoyed it and the proof was seen in the work they producded and was displayed on Thursday night. Thank you to all the parents who supported the school on Thursday evening.

I hope you are enjoying the sun on this lovely bank holiday. I hope you are all out and about and exploring the outside. We will be carrying out alot of activities outside this term to see what we can find. We have already been busy planting vegetables in our vegetable patch in the garden. A big thanks to Mrs Richards who worked hard in getting the garden ready. Lets hope Mr Hole is watering our little patch over this long weekend.
Maybe if you are out in your gardens today why not explore and see what you can see. Is there any little bugs? What does it look like? Maybe take a photo and bring it in to show us.

A very big congratulations to Holly Price from my class and Holly Smith from Mrs Mertens who won Star of the Week this week. Well done girls.

Enjoy your bank holiday and see you all tomorrow.
Mrs Street and Mrs Maertens.